Come Play!!

Little Rock Bike Polo plays on TUESDAY (nights) & and SUNDAY (afternoons) at MacArthur Park near the Arkansas Art Center. Check the Blog and our FaceBook page for day to day schedule changes. We have a laid back style of play and welcome all levels of player to come play with us. Answers to questions one might ask:
What kind of bike do I need?
Any kind of bike will work..make sure that you have bar-end plugs!!
Will I fall down/wipe out?
Most spills are merely putting your bike down or slow-motion falls to the side as speeds aren't excessive.
Should I wear a helmet?
Hell yes you should!!!
What other equipment do I need?
Helmets are HIGHLY can go nuts & wear a hockey helmet with knee & elbow pads, or Spicolis and tubetop..up to you. Mallets are provided and after you are hooked we can help you make yourself a custom one of your own.
Do I need to be an accomplished bicyclist?
Nope. You will GREATLY improve your bike-handling skills though after playing just a few times.
Are the rules complicated?
Nope again. Basically there are only a few can get a bit more picky during tournament play, but we are relaxed while we help people learn the few ropes. Basically these are what we observe:
1) Foot down. If you put your foot down, ride to the side to "tap back in". Beginners don't sweat it ok?
2) Goals are counted only with the ends of the mallet.. otherwise it is a shuffle.
3) Contact: Bike on bike/Player to player/mallet to mallet. NEVER throw your mallet!!
4) Play nice and keep everyone safe. (don't be a dick.) If you get aggro on our court we'll throw you off.

As we grow and bring in new players it is VERY IMPORTANT to realize that
there are different skill levels and degrees of knowledge from player to player. Please help us promote a fun bike polo experience for newbs by not calling them out on rules that they may not even be aware of & try to offer friendly constructive critism so they can advance in their play. Also be aware that unless we are in tournament play, there isn't a crucial need to be overly anal about every rule in the book.
*For more nuanced rules...see HERE.


Roco said...

yo I'm most def coming to play on New Years day...

Roco said...

yo I'm most def coming to play on New Years day...

Roco said...
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